
               author = "Fernandes, K{\'a}tia de {\'A}vila",
                title = "Cavados invertidos na regi{\~a}o central da Am{\'e}rica do Sul",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "1996",
              address = "Sao Jose dos Campos",
                month = "1996-02-13",
             keywords = "estudos do tempo e do clima, Am{\'e}rica do sul, ondas de leste, 
                         cavados invertidos.",
             abstract = "Cavados que se formam no escoamento de leste s{\~a}o ditos 
                         invertidos. Exemplo cl{\'a}ssico de cavado invertido (CI) 
                         s{\~a}o as ondas de leste. Os CIs que formam-se em latitudes 
                         subtropicais e extratropicais da America do Sul ainda n{\~a}o 
                         s{\~a}o bem entendidos. Uma climatologia de sua ocorr{\^e}ncia, 
                         movimento e evolu{\c{c}}{\~a}o nas regi{\~o}es subtropicais da 
                         Am{\'e}rica do Sul {\'e} obtida neste estudo. Cartas de 
                         superf{\'{\i}}cie para um per{\'{\i}}odo de dez anos, 
                         1980-1989, foram examinadas para estabelecer as 
                         caracter{\'{\i}}sticas destes CIs. Um crit{\'e}rio baseado no 
                         Laplaciano de press{\~a}o e usado para identificar os cavados nas 
                         cartas de superf{\'{\i}}cie. A m{\'e}dia mensal de 
                         ocorr{\^e}ncia de CIs mostra que eles s{\~a}o mais frequentes na 
                         primavera e inicio do ver{\~a}o. Sobre a America do Sul, eles 
                         apresentam-se, mais frequentemente, na faixa entre 15 a 25 graus S 
                         no inverno e na faixa entre 20 a 35 graus S, no ver{\~a}o. Dois 
                         tipos de situa{\c{c}}{\~a}o sin{\'o}tica s{\~a}o 
                         identificadas: 1. CI ao norte de 20 graus S, nos ventos de leste 
                         tropical, provavelmente associado com o aquecimento continental no 
                         ver{\~a}o e 2. CI na parte norte do centro de anticiclones 
                         migrat{\'o}rios na retaguarda de uma frente fria. Os eixos dos 
                         cavados na superf{\'{\i}}cie, mostram na climatologia uma 
                         prefer{\^e}ncia por inclina{\c{c}}{\~a}o no sentido NW-SE (45). 
                         Entretanto um n{\'u}mero significante (26,9) mostra uma 
                         orienta{\c{c}}{\~a}o meridional e o restante tem 
                         orienta{\c{c}}{\~a}o NE-SW. A maioria dos CI n{\~a}o causam 
                         condi{\c{c}}{\~o}es severas de tempo. Entretanto alguns poucos, 
                         quando associados a advec{\c{c}}{\~a}o de vorticidade relativa 
                         na media troposfera, evoluem para baixas fechadas no 
                         Atl{\^a}ntico Sul na costa do Sul do Brasil. Alguns cavados nas 
                         c{\'e}lulas de altas press{\~o}es frias, embora raramente, 
                         causam neve nas regioes serranas do Sul do Brasil. A 
                         evolu{\c{c}}{\~a}o temporal de quatro CIs, bastante distintos em 
                         suas caracter{\'{\i}}sticas, s{\~a}o apresentadas como estudo 
                         de casos com a ajuda de dados em pontos de grade analisados pelo 
                         European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Os CIs 
                         apresentam ciclo de vida de cerca de tres dias e uma escala 
                         horizontal de 1000 Km. S{\~a}o bastante rasos, basicamente 
                         limitados aos ventos de leste em baixos n{\'{\i}}veis. Uma 
                         analise qualitativa do balan{\c{c}}o da equa{\c{c}}{\~a}o da 
                         vorticidade relativa na regi{\~a}o central de um CI (03 de marco 
                         de 1982) mostra que o termo de adveccao e tilting n{\~a}o 
                         s{\~a}o importantes e que os termos de diverg{\^e}ncia e 
                         advec{\c{c}}{\~a}o vertical contribuem para a ciclog{\^e}nese. 
                         A tend{\^e}ncia de press{\~a}o a superf{\'{\i}}cie, baseada 
                         nos campos de diverg{\^e}ncia revelam a defici{\^e}ncia dos 
                         dados dispon{\'{\i}}veis. ABSTRACT: Troughs forming in the 
                         easterlies are inverted. Classic examples of an inverted troughs 
                         (IT) are the easterly waves observed and studies in the equarial 
                         Pacific Ocean and the Caribean Sea. The ITs forming in the 
                         subtropics and extratropics of South America are not yet well 
                         understood. A climatology of their occurrence, movement and 
                         evolution over the subtropics of South America is obtained in this 
                         study. Daily surface synoptic charts for the 10 year period, 
                         1980-89, are examined for establishing the characteristics of 
                         these ITs. A criterion based on the Laplacian of the surface 
                         pressure is used to identify the troughs on the surface charts. 
                         The mean monthly frequency of the occurrence of the ITs shows that 
                         they prefer the spring and early summer seasons. Over South 
                         America they occur mostly in the 15 to 25 S latitudinal band in 
                         winter and in the 25 to 35 S latitudinal band in summer. Two types 
                         of synoptic situations are identified: 1. IT in the tropical 
                         easterlies, probably associated with the continental heating in 
                         summer and 2. IT in the northern part of large migratory 
                         anticyclonic centers behind a large frontal boundary. The trough 
                         lines of the surface ITs in this climatology have a predominantly 
                         NW to SE orientation (45%). However a significant number (26,9%) 
                         show a meridional orientation and the rest show a SW to NE 
                         orientation. Most ITs do not cause severe weather conditions. 
                         However, a few, when helped by the a.dvection of cyclonic 
                         vorticity in the middle troposphere, grow into deep lows in the 
                         South Atlantic off the coast of southern Brazil. Some troughs in 
                         the cold extratropical high pressure cells, although rarely, cause 
                         snowfall in the highlands of South Brazil. The temporal evolutions 
                         of four ITs, each different from the other in its characteristics, 
                         are presented as case studies with the help of the grid data 
                         analysed by the European Center for Mediun-I-Range Weather 
                         Forecasts (ECMWF). They present a life cycle of about three days 
                         and a horizontal scale of 1000 km. They are very shallow, 
                         basically limited to the shallow easterly flow heuristic analysis 
                         of the vorticity budget in the central region of an IT (03 March 
                         1982) shows that the horizontal advection and tilting terms are 
                         unimportant and that the divergence and the vertical advection 
                         terms contribute for the cyclogenesis. The surface pressure 
                         tenclency analysis based on the divergence fields reveals the 
                         deficiency, and poor quality of the available data.",
            committee = "Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca de Albuquerque (presidente) and 
                         Satyamurty, Prakki (orientador) and Gan, Manoel Alonso and 
                         Ferreira, Nelson Jesus and Sugahara, Shigetoshi",
           copyholder = "SID/SCD",
         englishtitle = "x",
                label = "7723",
             language = "pt",
                pages = "103",
                  ibi = "6qtX3pFwXQZ3r59YCT/GUnyd",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/6qtX3pFwXQZ3r59YCT/GUnyd",
           targetfile = "publicacao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "11 maio 2024"
